Friday, February 12, 2010


 Dear Patrons,

Here is our young devoted devotee of AVA, who has created our web domain  at his own cost and effort.

It is no longer necessary to go to Even if you go to, it is no problem. Most of our Patrons who regularly visit our website know that simply keying in avaalankarams in Google's search engine is enough to go to our site. So popular is our photo website. So dear is our Anjaneya to thousands of our Patrons.

Many of our devotees have felt that we did not have a website with  address. That desire has  amply been fulfilled by our devotee friend Shri Praveen whose Biography is given below in his own words.

He has obtained the domain on his own and spending his own money and sought our permission before linking our "BLOG" to it. When we agreed to his proposal he immediately linked it to the id. Now we have a proper web site and our devotees who felt uncomfortable with name may feel happy about it.

When I asked him how long he intended to pay for the domain, he said calmly but firmly that he has paid for FIVE years in the beginning but will pay for 20 more years very soon!!

We feel Lord Ashtamsa Varada Anjaneya has himself appeared in the form of Praveen to do this gesture for which we are seeking His Grace  for this young but bright and hard working student who pusues his studies in the prestigious PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.

Name: Praveen.J

Age: 19

Studies: Finished Diploma in Mechatronics Engg, Now studying 3rd year in B.E Production and Industrial Engg.

About Me:
                    Hi, i am just a little kid sitting here with big dreams, i finished my schooling in G.R.G, and joined PSG Tech to complete my diploma and joined there again for my B.E. Hoping to go abroad for higher studies. Anjaneyar is very close to my heart, whenever i feel depressed i just go there and sit before him for 5 mins, after that everything appears to be very little problems. I am very happy that i had opportunity to do something to your wonderful work in some regard. That's it all about me.

           Game programming and playing.


Moolam Raja Alankaram 23 February 2025