Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Your enemies are not outside. Your bad thoughts are your worst enemies and thoughts based on Truth are your best friends. But today, people do not befriend the thoughts based on Truth, which are essentially divine. Practise to make friendship with Sath, the eternal Truth. Sath means Being, the ever-present God. Worldly friends and enemies change with the passage of time, but sath is the true and eternal friend. This friend, God, is always with you, in you, around you, above you, below you and protecting you just as the eyelid protects the eye. Truth is God. Love is God. Dharma (righteousness) is God. When you worship God by following these principles, He will manifest Himself immediately. Love God wholeheartedly. Make friends with Him. You can achieve anything if you have God as your friend.

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Moolam Raja Alankaram 23 February 2025