Saturday, December 01, 2007


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1 comment:

ravinder said...


“Vaishnava love poetry differs a great deal from other love poetries of the world. This love is not of the flesh, physical union, but a love purely mystic – the erotic and rapturous joy of the devotees in communion with the divine Soul. Shri Radha is the type of the human soul in love with the Divine Being. Her pangs of separation are the soul’s pursuit after the glorious vision.

The soul, like a holy temple, welcomes the Lord to the senses, which are doorways for that eternal fountain of beauty, music, and fragrance. The soul wants to enjoy them in a close embrace. And the soul, in its eternal separation from the Beloved One, pines away for Him. It yearns to offer its necklace of love, its garland of tender emotions for the service of the Adored One. Such is the lesson of Vaishnava Love poetry. In the language of human emotions, the Vaishnava masters continually sing of Divine Love.”

Poems by the Ashta Chhap, translated by Shyamdas:

Friend, today, tomorrow, yes, every day,
behold the nectar-filled Holder of the Mountain
What poet can possibly illustrate His clothes and ornaments?
Every moment His beauty is fresh again,
His every part, an ocean of graciousness,
more spell-binding than a billion love gods.
His beauty upsurges waves and captures the heart of the world.
Chatrabhujadas imbibes Shri Nathji's sweet form
and lives forever in His shelter.

Gopal, awake, let me see Your face.
Afterwards, I'll do my daily household chores.
The night has vanished, the sky is red, the sun ascends.
The black bees hover around the lotuses .
Awake, Krishna! The bards standing at your door
Pronounce your fame
and praise the rich diversity of the lila of Hari's incarnation.
The form of Paramanandadas's Lord, Gopal,
is most auspicious.
The Vedas and Puranas
extol His matchless 'lila'

I celebrate over you, maiden Radha,
for you have chosen to love Nanda's son, Krishna.
He is eminently ingenious, and you are the crown of cleverness.
How can you love Him and remain apart?
He robes Himself in golden garments and controls your every moment.
Radha, possessed by Krishna's natural charm,
Reaches out to grab the sky, imagining she takes Him to her breast.
She sees His beautiful form - her hairs stand on end.
Sur sings, the good lady is bemused.
In the illumination of love,
She has become comical.

Raja Alankaram 03 January 2025