Tuesday, January 15, 2008

PONGAL JAN 15 2008


ravinder said...

hey ram, hey ram
jag mein sajo tero naam

tu hi mata, tu hi pita hai
tu hi to hai radha ka shyam

tu antaryami sabaka swami
tere charano me chaaro dham

tu hi bigadey tu hi sanvare
is jaga ke saray kaam

tuhi jag data vishwavidhadata
tuhi subah tu hi shyam

jag mein sajo tero naam
hey ram, hey ram

ravinder said...

sri ram ram ramtei rame rame manorame
shastra naama tattulyam Ram nam varaanie

ram ram bhaj ram ram
bhaj ram ram bhaj ram-2
ram ram siya ram bhajle ram ram siya ram
ram ram siya ram bhaj ram ram siya ram

dharam kaaj ko pruthvi pe aaye
dhashrath jike putr sahaye
jankapuri mein shiv dhanush toda
sati sita sang nata joda
siya piya ban ram prabhu kahalaye siya ram
bhaj ram ram siya ram-2

pita vachan ke palan hare
raj pat taj van ko sidhare
vishva mitra yag rakhvare
sati ahilaya taran hare
pachvati ko bana diya
ek arya dharam ka dham

ashoru ka shanghhaare thaan kar
saina sahit chade lanka par
abhimani ravan ko maara
sita ko sankat se ubara
ram rajay hogaya desh mein
gun gaye hanuman
ram ram bhaj ram ram
bhaj ram ram bhaj ram-2
ram se bada ram ka naam
ram ram siya ram bhajle ram ram siya ram
ram ram siya ram bhaj ram ram siya ram
ram se bada ram ka naam

ravinder said...

Sri Hanumat Staavam:
atulita-bala-dhaaman hema shilabha deham
danujavana-krsnam janina-mgraganyam
sakalagunaa-nidhaanam vaanaranaa-madhiisam
raghupati-priya-bhaktam vataa jaatam namaami

I salute the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), the leader of the monkeys and the messenger of Rama, whose strength in matchless, whose body is like a hill of gold, who burns up the forest of asuras (demons) like a jungle fire, who towers among the spiritually illumined ones, and who is a treasure-house of all virtues.

ramaayana-mahaamala-ratnam vande-nilaatmajam

Salutation to the son of the Wind God (Hanuman), who crossed the ocean as if it were a puddle in the hoof-marks of a calf, who squashed the Rakshasas as if they were mosquitoes, and who by his deeds shines like the central gem in the necklace of the Ramayana.

anjana nandanam viram janaki-soka naashanam
kapisha maksahan taaram vande lanka-bhayankaram

I salute the heroic Hanuman, the leader of the monkeys and the son of Anjana, who is the slayer of (Ravan’s son) Akshkumara, who was a terror to the inhabitants of Lanka, and who assuaged the grief of Sita.

ullanghya sindhoh salilam salilam
yaah shoka vahanim janakat majayah
adayaa tenaiva dadahaa lankam
namaami tam pranjalir-anjaneyam

With palms joined in reverence, I prostrate to the son of Anjana who leaped across the sea as in sport, removing the fire from Sita’s mind and burning Lanka with that very fire.

manojavam maruta tulyavegam
jitendriyam budhimaatam varishitam
vaatmajam vanaraayutha mukhyam
srirama dhuutam sharanam prapadhye

I bow my head to hanuman, the Wind God’s Son, Messenger of Rama, Leader of the Monkey Army, who is fast as the wind and quick as the mind, who is the master of his senses and most distinguished and wise.

anjaneya mati patalaananam
kanchanadri kamaniya-vigraham
parijata tarumula-vasinam
bhavayaami paavamana-nananam

I meditate on the son of the Wind God and Anjana, whose face is deep red in complexion, whose body is as fascinating as a mountain of gold, and whose favourite resort is the base of the Parijata tree.

yatra yatra raghunaatha-kirtanam
tatra tatra krta masta kaanjalim
baspa vaari paripurna-locanam
maarutim naamata rakshas-antakam

ravinder said...

SankaTamochana hanumaanaashhtaka
Eight verses on Hanuman as remover of problems

mattagayanda chhanda

ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

baala samaya rabi bhaxi liyo taba
tInahun loka bhayo andhiyaaro
taahi son trasa bhayo jaga ko
yaha sankata kaahu son jata na taro
devana aani kari binati taba
chhandi diyo rabi kashhta nivaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

In the very childhood, when you O Hanuman!, devoured the rising Sun, darkness prevailed all throughout the universe. Consequently, the entire world got frightened and felt that the calamity could not be dispelled by anybody. When gods appeared and prayed, you released the Sun, thereby dispelling the distress of the world. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

baali ki traasa kapisa basai jiri
jaata mahaaprabhu pantha nihaaro
chaunki mahaa muni saapa diyo taba
chaahiya kauna vichaara vichaaro
kai dvija ruupa livaaya mahaaprabhu
so tuma daasa ke soka nihaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

Frightened by Bali, Sugreeva was living on top of the hill, to which the former had no access because of the curse of a sage. One day not knowing that it was Lord Rama who was approaching the hill with his brother Laxmana, Sugreeva was perturbed and dispatched you O Hanuman, to ascertain who they were. Going to them in the guise of a Brahmin, you brought them to Sugreeva and helped Lord Rama rid Sugreeva of the trouble. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

angada ke sanga lena gaye siya
khoja kapIsa yaha vaina uchaaro
jIvata na bachihau hama so ju
binaa sudhi laae ihan pagu dhaaro
hari thake tata sindhu sabai taba
laaya siyaa sudhi praana ubaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

When Sugreeva commanded the monkeys, led by Angad to go in search of Sita, he warned them that the life of none would be spared, in case they returned without any news of Sita. When the party got tired after an intense search and was stranded by the seashore, you summoned up courage and flew to Lanka and brought news about Sita after meeting her, thus saving the lives of your companions who were immersed in despondency. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

raavana traasa daI siya ko saba
raaxasi son kahi soka nivaaro
taahi samaya hanumaana mahaaprabhu
jaaya mahaa rajanIchara maaro
chaahata sIya asoka son aagi sudai
prabhu mudrikaa soka nivaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

Instructed by Ravana, when demonesses were troubling Sita in Ashokvana, it was you who through a dream made the demonness Trijata restrain others from doing so, by telling that Ravana’s end was near. Then you also killed a big demon. On account of Ravana’s harassment, when Sita asked the Ashoka tree to give her some fire for ending her life, it was you O Hanuman who dispelled her grief by giving her the ring of Lord Rama. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

baana lagyo ura lachhimana ke taba
praana taje suta raavana maaro
lai grriha vaidya sushhena sameta
tabai giri drona su vIra upaaro
aani sajIvana haatha daI taba
achhimana ke tuma praana ubaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

During the battle in Lanka, when Laxmana was struck by a deadly arrow discharged by Meghnaad, the son of Ravana and was lying unconscious, almost on the verge of death, it was you O Hanuman who brought the divine Physician Sushhena from Lanka, procured the life-saving herb ‘sanjivani’ from Drona Hill to revive Laxmana back to life. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

raavana juddha ajaana kiyo taba
naaga ki phansa sabai sira daro
shrIraghunaatha sameta sabai dala
moha bhayo yaha sa.nkata bharo
aani khagesa tabai hanumaana ju
bandhana kati sutrasa nivaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

When Ravana fought a fierce battle, managing to tie Lord Rama and his entire army in the noose of a magic snake, none could think of relief from this bondage O Hanuman. It was you who brought Garuda, the arch enemy of snakes and freed everyone from the deadly noose. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

bandhu sameta jabai ahiraavana lai
raghunaatha pataala sidhaaro
devihin puji bhalI vidhi son bali
dehu sabai mili mantra bichaaro
jaaya sahaaya bhayo taba hi
ahiraavana sainya sameta sanhaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

When Ahiravan secretly carried away Lord Rama and his brother Laxmana to the ‘patal-loka’ (nether-world), the demon consulted his friends and decided to sacrifice the life of the two divine brothers at the altar of his chosen Deity with due ceremony. But O Hanuman, it was you who reached there for the rescue of your Lord Rama and his brother, saving their life by killing Ahiravan and his army. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

kaaja kiyo bada devana ke tuma

bIra mahaprabhu dekhi bichaaro
kauna so sankata mora garIba ko
jo tumson nahin jaata hai taro
begi haro hanumaana mahaaprabhu
jo kuchha sankata hoya hamaaro
ko nahin jaanata hai jagamen kapi
sankatamochana nama tihaaro

O Great Warrior! You have accomplished many a task for the good of gods. Can there be any problem or distress that I am facing that you cannot dispel when you have even helped the gods? O Great Lord. I pray to you to quickly rid me of whatever distress I am suffering from. O Hanuman! Who does not know in the world that you name dispels all stress!

Anonymous said...

Can you post Sri Hanuman Chalisa meaning too. It will be very useful for the devotees.

- A devotee of Sri Anjaneya

ravinder said...

Dohã: Shrîguru charan saroj raj, nij manu mukur sudhãri
Baranaû Raghuvar bimal jasu, jo dãyaku phal chãri
Buddhihîn tanu jãnike, sumiro Pavan Kumãr
Bal buddhi bidyã dehu mohin, harahu kales bikãr

Jai Hanumãn gyãn gun sãgar, Jai kapîs tihun lok ujãgar
Rãmdût atulit bal dhãmã, Anjani putra Pavansut nãmã
Mahãvîr Vikram bajrangî, Kumatî nivãr Sumati ke sangî
Kanchan varan virãj suvesã, Kãnan kundal kunchit kesã
Hãth bajra aur dhvajã birãje Kãndhe munj janeyu sãje
Shankar suvan Kesarî nandan, Tej pratãp mahã jag bandan
Vidyãvãn gunî ati chãtur, Rãm kãj karive ko ãtur
Prabhu charitra sunive ko rasiyã, Rãm Lakhan Sîtã man basiyã
Sukshma rûp dhari Siyahi dikhãvã, Bikat rûp dhari Lank jarãvã
Bhim rûp dhari asur sanhãre, Rãmchandra ke kãj sanvãre
Lãya sajîvan Lakhan jiyãye, Shrî Raghuvîr harashi ur lãye
Raghupati kînhî bahut baðãî, Tum mam priya Bharatahi sama bhãî
Sahas badan tumhro jas gaven, As kahi Shripati kanth lagãven
Sanakãdik Brahmãdi munîsã, Nãrad Sãrad sahit ahîsã
Jam Kuber digpãl jahãnte, kavi kovid kahi sake Kahãnte
Tum upkãr Sugrîvahin kînha, Rãm milãya rãj pad dînha
Tumhro mantra Vibhîshan mãnã, Lankesvar bhaye sab jag jãnã
Jug sahastra jojan par bhãnû,Lîlyo tãhi madhur phal jãnû
Prabhu mudrikã meli mukh mãhîn, Jaladhi lãnghi gaye achraj nãhin
Durgam kãj jagat ke jete, Sugam anugrah tumhare tete
Rãm Duãre tum rakhvãre, Hot na ãgyã bin paisãre
Sab sukh lahai tumhãrî sarnã, Tum rakshak kãhû ko ðarnã
Ãpan tej samhãro ãpai, Tîno lok hãkte kãnpai
Bhût pisãch nikat nahin ãvai, Mahãvîr jab nãm sunãvai
Nãsai rog harai sab pîrã, Japat nirantar Hanumat vîrã
Sankat se Hanumãn chhuðãvai, Man kram vachan dhyãn jo lãvai
Sab par Rãm tapasvî rãjã, Tinake kãj sakal tum sãjã
Aur manorath jo koî lãvai, Soî amit jîvan phal pãvai
Chãron yug partãp tumhãrã, Hai parsidh jagat ujiyãrã
Sãdhu sant ke tum rakhvãre, Asur nikandan Rãm dulãre
Asht sidhi nav nidhi ke dãtã, As bar dîn Jãnakî mãtã
Rãm rasãyan tumhare pãsã, Sadã raho Raghupati ke dãsã
Tumhare bhajan Rãm ko pãvai, Janam janam ke dukh bisrãvai
Ant kãl Raghuvar pur jãyî, Jahan janm Hari bhakt kahãyî
Aur Devtã chitt na dharayi, Hanumat seî sarv sukh karayi
Sankat katai mitai sab pîrã, Jo sumirai Hanumat balvîrã
Jai jai jai Hanumãn gosãîn, Kripã karahu guru dev kî nãîn
Jo sat bãr pãth kar koî, Chhûtahi bandi mahã sukh hoî
Jo yah paðhai Hanumãn Chalîsã, Hoye siddhi sãkhî gaurîsã
Tulsîdãs sadã Hari cherã, Kîjai Nãth hridya mah ðerã

Dohã: Pavanatanaya sankat haran, mangal mûrati rûp
Rãm Lakhan Sîtã sahit, hridya basahu sur bhûp

ravinder said...

Mukund Mãdhav Govind Bol
Keshav Mãdhav Hari Hari Bol
Hari Hari Bol, Hari Hari Bol
Krishñã Krishñã Bol, Krishñã Krishñã Bol
Rãm Rãm Bol, Rãm Rãm Bol
Shiv Shiv Bol, Shiv Shiv Bol
Mukund Mãdhav Govind Bol
Keshav Mãdhav Hari Hari Bol

ravinder said...

Hari bhajan binã sukh shãntî nahin
Hari nãm binã ãnand nahin
Prem bhaktî binã udhãr nahin
Guru sewã binã nirwãn nahin
Hari bhajan binã sukh shãntî nahin
Jap dhyãn binã sanjog nahin
Prabhu darsh binã pragyãn nahin
Dayã dharm binã satya karma nahin
Bhagwãn binã koi apnã nahin
Hari nãth binã paramãm nahin
Hari bhajan binã sukh shãntî nahin

ravinder said...

Shri Hanuman Chalisa

Shri Guru Charan Saroj Raj After cleansing the mirror of my mind with the pollen
Nij mane mukure sudhar dust of holy Guru's Lotus feet. I Profess the pure,
Varnao Raghuvar Vimal Jasu untainted glory of Shri Raghuvar which bestows the four-
Jo dayaku phal char fold fruits of life.(Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha).

Budhi Hin Tanu Janike Fully aware of the deficiency of my intelligence, I
Sumirau Pavan Kumar concentrate my attention on Pavan Kumar and humbly
Bal budhi Vidya dehu mohe ask for strength, intelligence and true knowledge to
Harahu Kalesa Vikar relieve me of all blemishes, causing pain.

Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar Victory to thee, O'Hanuman! Ocean of Wisdom-All
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar hail to you O'Kapisa! (fountain-head of power,wisdom
and Shiva-Shakti) You illuminate all the three worlds
(Entire cosmos) with your glory.

Ram doot atulit bal dhama You are the divine messenger of Shri Ram. The
Anjani-putra Pavan sut nama repository of immeasurable strength, though known
only as Son of Pavan (Wind), born of Anjani.

Mahavir Vikram Bajrangi With Limbs as sturdy as Vajra (The mace of God Indra)
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi you are valiant and brave. On you attends good Sense
and Wisdom. You dispel the darkness of evil thoughts.

Kanchan varan viraj subesa Your physique is beautiful golden coloured and your dress
Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesa is pretty. You wear ear rings and have long curly hair.

Hath Vajra Aur Dhuvaje Viraje You carry in your hand a lightening bolt along with a victory
Kandhe moonj janehu sajai (kesari) flag and wear the sacred thread on your shoulder.

Sankar suvan kesri Nandan As a descendant of Lord Sankar, you are a comfort and pride
Tej pratap maha jag vandan of Shri Kesari. With the lustre of your Vast Sway, you are
propitiated all over the universe.

Vidyavan guni ati chatur You are the repository of learning, virtuous and fully accom-
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur plished, always keen to carry out the behest's of Shri Ram.

Prabu charitra sunibe ko rasiya You are an ardent listener, always so keen to listen to the
Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya narration of Shri Ram's Life Stories. Your heart is filled with
what Shri Ram stood for. You therefore always dwell in the
hearts of Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sita.

Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava You appeared before Sita in a Diminutive form and spoke to
Vikat roop dhari lanka jarava her in humility. You assumed an awesome form and struck
terror by setting Lanka on fire.

Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare With over-whelming might you destroyed the Asuras
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare (demons) and performed all tasks assigned to you by Shri Ram
with great skill.

Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye You brought Sanjivan (A herb that revives life) and restored
Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye Lakshman back to life, Shri Raghuvir (Shri Ram) cheerfully
embraced you with his heart full of joy.

Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai Shri Raghupati (Shri Ram) lustily extolled your excellence and
Tum mam priye Bharat-hi sam bhai said: "You are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat."

Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave Thousands of living beings are chanting hymns of your glories;
Us kahi Shripati kanth lagaave saying thus, Shri Ram warmly hugged him (Shri Hanuman).

Sankadik Brahmadi Muneesa When prophets like Sanka, even the Sage like Lord Brahma,
Narad Sarad sahit Aheesa the great hermit Narad himself, Goddess Saraswati and Ahisha
(one of immeasurable dimensions).

Yam Kuber Digpal Jahan te Even Yamraj (God of Death) Kuber (God of Wealth) and the
Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te Digpals (deputies guarding the four corners of the Universe)
have been vying with one another in offering homage to your
glories. How then, can a mere poet give adequate expression
of your super excellence.

Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha You rendered a great service to Sugriv. You united him with
Ram milaye rajpad deenha Shri Ram and he installed him on the Royal Throne. By heeding
Tumharo mantra Vibheeshan mana your advice, Vibhishan became Lord of Lanka. This is known
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub jag jana all over the Universe.

Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu On your own you dashed upon the Sun, which is at a fabulous
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu distance of thousands of miles, thinking it to be a sweet
luscious fruit.

Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee Carrying the Lord's Signet Ring in your mouth, there is
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee hardly any wonder that you easily leapt across the ocean.

Durgaam kaj jagat ke jete The burden of all difficult tasks of the world become light
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete with your kind grace.

Ram dware tum rakhvare, You are the sentry at the door of Shri Ram's Divine Abode.
Hoat na agya binu paisare No one can enter it without your permission,

Sub sukh lahai tumhari sarna All comforts of the world lie at your feet. The devotees enjoy all
Tum rakshak kahu ko dar na divine pleasures and feel fearless under your benign Protection.

Aapan tej samharo aapai You alone are befitted to carry your own splendid valour. All the
Teenhon lok hank te kanpai three worlds (entire universe) tremor at your thunderous call.

Bhoot pisach Nikat nahin aavai All the ghosts, demons and evil forces keep away, with the
Mahavir jab naam sunavai sheer mention of your great name, O'Mahaveer!!

Nase rog harai sab peera All diseases, pain and suffering disappear on reciting regularly
Japat nirantar Hanumant beera Shri Hanuman's holy name.

Sankat se Hanuman chudavai Those who remember Shri Hanuman in thought, words and deeds
Man Karam Vachan dyan jo lavai with Sincerity and Faith, are rescued from all crises in life.

Sub par Ram tapasvee raja All who hail, worship and have faith in Shri Ram as the Supreme
Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja Lord and the king of penance. You make all their difficult tasks
very easy.

Aur manorath jo koi lavai Whosoever comes to you for fulfillment of any desire with faith
Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai and sincerity, Will he alone secure the imperishable fruit of
human life.

Charon Yug partap tumhara All through the four ages your magnificent glory is acclaimed far
Hai persidh jagat ujiyara and wide. Your fame is Radiantly acclaimed all over the Cosmos.

Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware You are Saviour and the guardian angel of Saints and Sages and
Asur nikandan Ram dulhare destroy all Demons. You are the angelic darling of Shri Ram.

Ashta sidhi nav nidhi ke dhata You can grant to any one, any yogic power of Eight Siddhis
Us var deen Janki mata (power to become light and heavy at will) and Nine Nidhis
(Riches,comfort,power,prestige,fame,sweet relationship etc.)
This boon has been conferred upon you by Mother Janki.

Ram rasayan tumhare pasa You possess the power of devotion to Shri Ram. In all rebirths
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa you will always remain Shri Raghupati's most dedicated disciple.

Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai Through hymns sung in devotion to you, one can find Shri Ram
Janam janam ke dukh bisravai and become free from sufferings of several births.

Anth kaal Raghuvir pur jayee If at the time of death one enters the Divine Abode of Shri Ram,
Jahan janam Hari-Bakht Kahayee thereafter in all future births he is born as the Lord's devotee.

Aur Devta Chit na dharehi One need not entertain any other deity for Propitiation, as
Hanumanth se hi sarve sukh karehi devotion of Shri Hanuman alone can give all happiness.

Sankat kate mite sab peera One is freed from all the sufferings and ill fated contingencies of
Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera rebirths in the world. One who adores and remembers Shri Hanuman.

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosahin Hail, Hail, Hail, Shri Hanuman, Lord of senses. Let your victory
Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nyahin over the evil be firm and final. Bless me in the capacity as my
supreme guru (teacher).

Jo sat bar path kare kohi One who recites Chalisa one hundred times, becomes free from the
Chutehi bandhi maha sukh hohi bondage of life and death and enjoys the highest bliss at last.

Jo yah padhe Hanuman Chalisa All those who recite Hanuman Chalisa (The forty Chaupais)
Hoye siddhi sakhi Gaureesa regularly are sure to be benedicted. Such is the evidence of no less a
witness as Bhagwan Sankar.

Tulsidas sada hari chera Tulsidas as a humble devotee of the Divine Master, stays perpetually at
Keejai Das Hrdaye mein dera his feet, he prays "Oh Lord! You enshrine within my heart & soul."

Pavantnai sankat haran, Oh! conqueror of the Wind, Destroyer of all miseries, you are a
Mangal murti roop. symbol of Auspiciousness.
Ram Lakhan Sita sahit, Along with Shri Ram, Lakshman and Sita, reside in my heart.
Hrdaye basahu sur bhoop. Oh! King of Gods.

Moolam Raja Alankaram 23 February 2025