Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dear Viewers,
Jai Shri Ram,

Shri.Ravinderji further explains "Nav Nidhi" of Hanuman Chalisa as follows:-

NAV Nidhi
Nidhi, that is, a treasure, constituted of nine treasures (nawanidhi) belonging to Kubera (also spelt as Kuvera), the god of wealth. According to the tradition, each nidhi is personified as having a guardian spirit, and some tantrikas worship them. The nature and characteristics of nidhis have remained largely unexplained and have not been fully understood. According to Amarakosha, the nine nidhis are:

- mahapadma "great lotus flower"

- padma "lotus flower"

- shankha "conch"

- makara "dolphin or crocodile"

- kachchhapa "tortoise"

- mukunda "a particular precious stone"

- kunda "jasmine"

- nila "sapphire"

- kharva "dwarf"

When considered as mines, minerals, earthenware and ocean resources, the nine treasures of Kubera are interpreted as:

- padma (lake in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)

- mahapadma (lake double the size of padma in Himalaya with minerals and jewels)

- makara (Synonym of Padmini, black antimony)

- nila (Antimony)

- mukunda (cinnabar, or quicksilver)

- kunda (arsenic)

- kharva (cups or vessels baked in fire)

- kachchhapa (tortoise or turtle shell)

- sankha (conch shell)

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Moolam Raja Alankaram 23 February 2025