Tuesday, January 15, 2008

PONGAL 2 JAN 15 2008

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ravinder said...

Govind Hari Gopãl Hari
Jaya Jaya Prabhu Deen Dayãl Hari

Ham jãn gaye pehchãn gaye
Chhavi ãyee nazar to mãn gaye
Hamrã bhi suno ab hãl Hari
Govind Hari...............

Rãdhã ne Tumhe arãdhã thã
Arjun ne prem se bãndhã thã
Bhakton ke ho rakshpãl Hari
Govind Hari..............

Ãlas ke parde phat jãven
Dukh door hon sankat kat jãven
Dukhiyon ke ho sukhpãl Hari
Govind Hari...............

Jo nishkapatee nishkãmee hai
Jo man apne kã swãmee hai
Usko milte tatkãl Hari
Govind Hari...............

Jo sarvapriya hitkãri hai
Pitumãta kã ãgyãkãri hai
Kahe bhakt wahee tav lãl Hari
Govind Hari...............

ravinder said...

Hanuman Chalisa Word by Word
This is a word by word translation of the words in the Hanuman Chalissa
Forty verses to Hanuman

Shree -Guru
Charana - feet
saroja -lotus
raja -dust
nija – own
manu - heart
mukuru -mirror
sudhaari –purify
Having polished the mirror of my heart
with the dust of my Guru's lotus feet,

baranaun - describe
Raghubara –Ram’s
bimala -pure
jasu – purify
jo –that
daayaku –gives
phala -fruit
chaari –four
I sing the pure fame of the best of the Raghus,
which bestows the four fruits of life.

budhi - intelligence
heena – without
tanu - body
jaanike – know
sumiraun –remember
pavana - wind
kumara - son
Knowing this body to be devoid of intelligence,
I recall the Son of the Wind.

bala - strength
budhi vidyaa - intelligence/wisdom
dehu - give
mohin - me
harahu - remove
kalesa - suffering
bikaara - impurity
Siyaa - Sita’s
vara - husband
Raamachandra - Ramchandra
pada – feet
jai –jai
sharanam – shelter
Grant me strength, wit, and wisdom,
and remove my sorrows and shortcomings.
Siyaa vara Raamachandra pada jai sharanam

1. Jaya - Hail Hanumana
gyaana – wisdom
guna - virtue
saagara – ocean
jaya -hail
Kapeesha - Lord of the Monkeys
tihun - three
loka – world
ujaagara – enlighten/awaken
1. Victory to Hanuman, ocean of wisdom and virtue,
Hail Monkey Lord, illuminator of the three worlds.

2. Raama
doota – messenger
atulita - incomparible
bala - strength
dhaamaa - abode
Anjani putra - Anjani’s son
Pavana –wind
suta -son (off spring)
naamaa - the name
2. Ram's emissary, abode of matchless power,
Anjani's son, named "Son of the Wind."

3. Maha - very
beera – brave
vikrama - valiant
bajarangee –lightening body
kumati - ignorance
nivaara - purify
sumati wise/good
ke (possesssive post position lit: of the wise)
sangee – companion
3. Great hero, mighty as a thunderbolt,
remover of evil thoughts and companion to the good.

4. kanchana - golden
barana - color
biraaja – beautifully
subesaa – clothed
kaanana – ears
kundala - rings
kunchita - long/curly
kesaa – hair
4. Golden-hued and splendidly adorned,
with heavy earrings and curly locks.
5. haatha - hand
vajra - mace (thunderbolt)
aura – and
dvajaa - banner
biraajai - bearing
kaandhe - shoulder
moonja – grass
janayu – sacred thread
saajai - adorn
5. In your hands shine mace and banner,
a sacred thread of munja grass adorns your shoulder.
6. Shankara - Shiva’s
suvana – incarnation
Kesaree - Keseri’s
nandana - son
teja – power
prataapa – glory
mahaa jaga - whole universe
bandana - praised
6. You are Shiva's son and Kesari's joy,
your glory is revered throughout the world.

7. Vidyaa vaana -full of wisdom
gunee - virtuous
ati – very
chaatura - clever
Raama –Ram’s
kaaja - work
karibe – doing
aatura – eager
7. Supremely wise, virtuous, and clever,
you are ever intent on Ram's work.

8. Prabhu - Lord
charitra – story
sunibe - hearing
rasiyaa - nectar
Raama - Ram
Lakhana - Lakshman
Seetaa - Sita
mana - heart
basiyaa -residing
8. You delight in hearing of the Lord's deeds,
Ram, Lakshman, and Sita dwell in your heart.

9. Sookshma - tiny
roopa - form
dhari - assume
Siyahin Sita (to Sita)
Dikhaavaa – to show
Bikata – terrigying
roopa – form
dhari - assume
Lanka - Lanka
Jaraawaa - burn
9. Assuming tiny form you appeared to Sita,
and in awesome guise you burned Lanka.

10. Bheema -mighty warrior
roopa – form
dhari - assume
asura - demons
sanghaare -destroy
Raamachandra - Ram’s
ke kaaja – work
sanvaare – carried out
10. Taking dreadful form you slaughtered demons
and completed Lord Ram's mission.

11. Laaya - brought
sajeevana life-gving herb
Lakhana - Lakshman
Jiyaaye - revived
Shree - lord
Raghubeera - Ram
harashi - joyful
ura - heart
laaye - clasped
11. Bringing the magic herb, you revived Lakshman,
and Ram embraced you with delight.

12. Raghupati - Ram
keenhee – did
bahuta - very
baraai - praise
Tuma - you
Mama- me
priya - dear
Bharatahi – Bharat (Ram’s brother)
Sama - like
Bhaai - brother
12. Greatly did the Raghu Lord praise you -
"Brother, you're as dear to me as Bharat!"

13. Sahasa – 1,000
badana - mouths
tumharo - your
jasa - fame
gaavai - sing
Asa - this
kahi – saying
Shreepati - Ram
kantha - neck
lagaavai - clasped
13. "May the thousand-mouthed serpent sing your fame!"
So saying, Shri's Lord drew you to Himself.

14. Sanakaadika – Sanikka, etc
Brahmaadi – Brahma, etc.
Muneesaa - sages
Naarada - Narad
Saarada - Sarad
sahita - with
Aheesaa – Shesha (king of serpents)
14. Sanak and the sages, Brahma, gods, and great saints,
Narada, Sarasvati, and the king of serpents,

15. Yama – Yasma (god of underworld/death)
Kubera – Kubera (god of wealth)
Digapaala - the rulers of 8 directions
Jahaante - wherever
Kabi - poets
kobida - scholars
kahi - tell
sake - can
kahaante - how
15. Yama, Kubera, and the rulers of the eight directions,
poets and scholars - none can express your glory.

16. Tuma - you
upakaara - service
Sugreevahin - Sugriva
Keenhaa - did
Raama - Ram
milaaya - introduced
raaja pada - kingdom
deenhaa - gave
16. You rendered great service to Sugriva,
presenting him to Ram, you gave him kingship.

17. Tumharo - your
mantra – word/advice
Maanaa - accepted
Lankeshvara - Lord of Lanka
bhaye - became
saba - all
jaga - world
jaanaa - knows
17. Vibhishana heeded your counsel
and became Lord of Lanka, as all the world knows.

18. Yuga – distant (?)
sahasra – 1,000
yojana - leagues
toward - para
bhaanu - sun
Leelyo - swallowed
taahi - it
madhura -sweet
phala - fruit
jaanu - thinking
18. Though the sun is thousands of miles away,
you swallowed it, thinking it a sweet fruit.

19. Prabhu – Lord’s
mudrikaa - ring
meli - took
mukha - mouth
maahin -in
Jaladhi - ocean
laanghi - leaped
gaye - went
acharaja - surprised
naaheen -not
19. Holding the Lord's ring in your mouth,
it's no surprise you leapt the ocean.

20. Durgama - difficult
kaaja - work
jagata - world
ke jete - any
Sugama - easy
Anugraha - grace
Tumhare - your
Tete - that
20. Every arduous task in this world becomes easy by your grace.

21. Raama – Ram’s
duaare - door
tuma – you
rakhavaare - keeper
Hota - having
Na - not
aagyaa - Permission
binu - without
paisaare - enter
21. You are the guardian of Ram's door,
none enters without your leave.

22. Saba - all
sukha - happiness
lahai - take
tumhaaree - your
sharanaa - shelter
Tuma - you
rakshaka - protect
kaahu -any
(ko) dara –far
naa - not
22. Taking refuge in you one finds all delight,
those you protect know no fear.

23. Aapana - yours
teja -power
samhaarau - bear
aapai - you
Teenon - three
loka - worlds
haanka - roar
(ten) kaanpai - tremble
23. You alone can withstand your own splendor,
the three worlds tremble at your roar.

24. Bhoota - ghosts
pishaacha - demons
nikata - near
nahin - not
aavai - come
Mahaabeera – great brave
jaba - when
naama - name
sunaavai - called
24. Ghosts and goblins cannot come near,
Great Hero, when your name is uttered.

25. Naasai - cured
roga - disease
hare - removed
saba - all
peeraa -suffering
Japata - repeated
nirantara - unceasing
Hanumata – Hanuman
Beeraa - brave
25. All disease and pain is eradicated,
brave Hanuman, by constant repetition of your name.

26. Sankata - dificulties
ten - from
Hanumaana - Hanuman
Churaavai - free
Mana - thought
Krama - deed
vachana - word
dhyaana - meditate
jo laavai – who keep
26. Hanuman releases from affliction
those who remember him in thought, word, and deed.

27. Saba - all
para – above
Raama - Ram
tapasvee - ascetic
raajaa - king
Tina - his
(ke) kaaja - work
sakala - all
tuma - you
saajaa –do
27. Ram the renunciant reigns over all -
you carry out his every task.

28. Aura -other
manoratha - desires
jo - those
koee - any
laave - bring
Soee - that
Amita - nectar
Jeevana - life
phala - fruit
pave - obtaions
28. One who brings any yearning to you
obtains the fruit of abundant life.

29. Chaaron - four
yuga - ages
parataapa - glory
tumhaaraa - your
Hai (“to be” verb) is
parasidha - fame
jagata - universe
ujiyaaraa – enlightens (awakens)
29. Your splendor fills the four ages,
Your glory is famed throughout the world.

30. Saadhu - renunciates
santa - saints
(ke) tuma - of you
rakhavaare - protect
Asura - demons
nikandana - destroy
Raama - Ram
Dulaare - beloved
30. You are the guardian of saints and sages,
the destroyer of demons, the darling of Ram.

31. Ashta - eight
sidhi - powers
nau - nine
nidhi - treasures
(ke) daataa – giver of
Asa - this
Bara - boon
Deena - given
Jaanakee - Janaki
Maataa - mother
31. You grant the eight powers and nine treasures
by the boon you received from Mother Janaki.

32. Raama - Ram
rasaayana - nectar
toomhare - you
paasaa – posses
Sadaa - always
raho – live/remain
Raghupati ke – Ram’s
Daasaa - servent
32. You hold the elixir of Ram's name
and remain eternally His servant.

33. Tumhare - your
bhajana - devotion
Raama - Ram
(ko) paavai - obtained
Janama janama ke – birth (of birth after birth)
dukha - pain
bisaravai – left behind
33. Singing your praise, one finds Ram
and escapes the sorrows of countless lives.

34. Anta - end
kaala - time
Raghubara – Ram’s
pura – place/city
jaaee - go
Jahaan - where
janma - birth
Hari - Ram
bhakta - devotee
kahaaee – called
34. At death, one goes to Ram's own city
or is born on earth as God's devotee.
35. Aura - other
devataa - gods
chita - mind
na - not
dharaee – keep
Hanumata - Hanuman
Sayi - with
sarva - all
sukha - happiness
karaee - do
35. Give no thought to any other deity -
worshipping Hanuman, one gains all delight.

36. Sankata - difficulty
katai - end
mite - remove
saba - all
peeraa - suffering
Jo - who
sumire - remember
Hanumata - Hanuman
bala - strong
beeraa - brave
36. All affliction ceases, all pain is removed,
by remembering the mighty hero, Hanuman.

37. Jai Jai Jai Hanumaana
Gosaaee - Lord
Kripaa -grace
karahu - do
guru – guru
deva - god
kee naaee – as/like
37. Victory, victory, victory to Lord Hanuman!
Be merciful even as is the Divine Master.

38. Jo - who
sata - 100
baara - times
paata - recites
kara - does
koee - anyone
Chootahi - freed
bandi - bondage
mahaa- great
sukha -happiness
hoee – be/is
38. Whoever recites this a hundred times
is released from bondage and gains bliss.

39. Jo - who
yaha - this
parai - reads
Hanumaana chaaleesaa – Hanuman Chalisa
Ho ya - be
sidhi – power/perfect
saakhee - witness
Gaureesaa – Shiva
39. One who reads this Hanuman Chalisa
gains success - Gauri's Lord bears witness.

40. Tulaseedaasa – Tulsidas
sadaa - always
Hari - Ram
Cheraa - servant
Kee jai - do
naata - lord
hridaya - heart
mahan - my
deraa - home
40. Says Tulsidas, Hari's constant servant,
"Lord, make your encampment in my heart."
Pavana tanaya - Son of the Wind
sankata - sorrow
harana - banish
Mangala – blessing/joy
moorati - embodiment
roopa - form
Rama Lakhshmana Sita
Sahita - with
Hridaya - heart
basahu – dwell/live
sura - devata
bhoopa - ruler/king
Siyaa vara – Sita’s bridegroom
Raamachandra pada – Rama’s feet
jai – hail
sharanam - refuge
Son of the Wind, banisher of sorrowand embodiment of blessing, dwell in my heart, King of Gods, together with Ram, Lakshman, and Sita.
Hail the refuge of the feet of Sita's bridegroom, Ramachandra.

ravinder said...

This is a new translation of the words in the Hanuman Chalissa

Having polished the mirror of my heart
with the dust of my Guru's lotus feet,
I sing the pure fame of the best of the Raghus,
which bestows the four fruits of life.
Knowing this body to be devoid of intelligence,
I recall the Son of the Wind.
Grant me strength, wit, and wisdom,
and remove my sorrows and shortcomings.
Siyaa vara Raamachandra pada jai sharanam
1. Victory to Hanuman, ocean of wisdom and virtue,
Hail Monkey Lord, illuminator of the three worlds.
2. Ram's emissary, abode of matchless power,
Anjani's son, named "Son of the Wind."
3. Great hero, mighty as a thunderbolt,
remover of evil thoughts and companion to the good.
4. Golden-hued and splendidly adorned,
with heavy earrings and curly locks.
5. In your hands shine mace and banner,
a sacred thread of munja grass adorns your shoulder.
6. You are Shiva's son and Kesari's joy,
your glory is revered throughout the world.
7. Supremely wise, virtuous, and clever,
you are ever intent on Ram's work.
8. You delight in hearing of the Lord's deeds,
Ram, Lakshman, and Sita dwell in your heart.
9. Assuming tiny form you appeared to Sita,
and in awesome guise you burned Lanka.
10. Taking dreadful form you slaughtered demons
and completed Lord Ram's mission.
11. Bringing the magic herb, you revived Lakshman,
and Ram embraced you with delight.
12. Greatly did the Raghu Lord praise you -
"Brother, you're as dear to me as Bharat!"
13. "May the thousand-mouthed serpent sing your fame!"
So saying, Shri's Lord drew you to Himself.
14. Sanak and the sages, Brahma, gods, and great saints,
Narada, Sarasvati, and the king of serpents,
15. Yama, Kubera, and the guardians of the quadrants,
poets and scholars - none can express your glory.
16. You rendered great service to Sugriva,
presenting him to Ram, you gave him kingship.
17. Vibhishana heeded your counsel
and became Lord of Lanka, as all the world knows.
18. Though the sun is thousands of miles away,
you swallowed it, thinking it a sweet fruit.
19. Holding the Lord's ring in your mouth,
it's no surprise you leapt the ocean.
20. Every arduous task in this world
becomes easy by your grace.
21. You are the guardian of Ram's door,
none enters without your leave.
22. Taking refuge in you one finds all delight,
those you protect know no fear.
23. You alone can withstand your own splendor,
the three worlds tremble at your roar.
24. Ghosts and goblins cannot come near,
Great Hero, when your name is uttered.
25. All disease and pain is eradicated,
brave Hanuman, by constant repetition of your name.
26. Hanuman releases from affliction
those who remember him in thought, word, and deed.
27. Ram the renunciant reigns over all -
you carry out his every task.
28. One who brings any yearning to you
obtains the fruit of abundant life.
29. Your splendor fills the four ages,
Your glory is famed throughout the world.
30. You are the guardian of saints and sages,
the destroyer of demons, the darling of Ram.
31. You grant the eight powers and nine treasures
by the boon you received from Mother Janaki.
32. You hold the elixir of Ram's name
and remain eternally His servant.
33. Singing your praise, one finds Ram
and escapes the sorrows of countless lives.
34. At death, one goes to Ram's own city
or is born on earth as God's devotee.
35. Give no thought to any other deity -
worshipping Hanuman, one gains all delight.
36. All affliction ceases, all pain is removed,
by remembering the mighty hero, Hanuman.
37. Victory, victory, victory to Lord Hanuman!
Be merciful even as is the Divine Master.
38. Whoever recites this a hundred times
is released from bondage and gains bliss.
39. One who reads this Hanuman Chalisa
gains success - Gauri's Lord bears witness.
40. Says Tulsidas, Hari's constant servant,
"Lord, make your encampment in my heart."

Son of the Wind, banisher of sorrow
and embodiment of blessing,
dwell in my heart, King of Gods,
together with Ram, Lakshman, and Sita.
Hail the refuge of the feet of Sita's bridegroom, Ramachandra.

ravinder said...

Hanuman Chalisa Transliteration
Shree Gu-ru cha-ra-na sa-ro-ja ra-ja
Ni-ja ma-nu mu-ku-ru sud-haa-ri
Ba-ra-naun Rag-hu-ba-ra bi-ma-la ja-su
Jo daa-ya-ku pha-la chaa-ri
Bud-hi hee-na ta-nu jaa-ni-ke
Su-mi-raun pa-va-na ku-maa-ra
Ba-la bud-hi vid-yaa de-hu mo-hin
Ha-ra-hu ka-le-sa bi-kaa-ra
Si-yaa va-ra Raa-ma-chan-dra pa-da jai sha-ra-nam

1. Ja-ya Ha-nu-maa-na gyaa-na gu-na saa-ga-ra
Ja-ya Ka-pee-sha ti-hun lo-ka u-jaa-ga-ra
2. Raa-ma doo-ta a-tu-li-ta ba-la dhaa-maa
An-ja-ni pu-tra Pa-va-na-su-ta naa-maa
3. Ma-haa-bee-ra bi-kra-ma ba-ja-ran-gee
Ku-ma-ti ni-vaa-ra su-ma-ti ke san-gee
4. Kan-cha-na ba-ra-na bi-raa-ja su-be-saa
Kaa-na-na kun-da-la kun-chi-ta ke-saa
5. Haa-tha baj-ra au-ra dva-jaa bi-raa-jai
Kaan-dhe moon-ja ja-neu saa-jai
6. Shan-ka-ra su-va-na Ke-sa-ree nan-da-na
Te-ja pra-taa-pa ma-haa ja-ga ban-da-na
7. Vi-dyaa vaa-na gun-ee at-i chaa-tu-ra
Raa-ma kaa-ja ka-ri-be ko aa-tu-ra
8. Prab-hu cha-ri-tra su-ni-be ko ra-si-yaa
Raa-ma Lak-ha-na See-taa ma-na ba-si-yaa
9. Sooksh-ma roo-pa dha-ri Si-ya-hin di-khaa-vaa
Bi-ka-ta roo-pa dha-ri Lan-ka ja-raa-waa
10. Bhee-ma roo-pa dha-ri a-su-ra san-ghaa-re
Raa-ma-chan-dra ke kaa-ja san-vaa-re
11. Laa-ya sa-jee-va-na Lak-ha-na ji-yaa-ye
Shree Rag-hu-bee-ra ha-ra-shi u-ra laa-ye
12. Rag-hu-pa-ti keen-hee ba-hu-ta ba-raa-i
Tu-ma ma-ma pri-ya Bha-ra-ta-hi sa-ma bhaa-i
13. Sa-ha-sa ba-da-na tum-ha-ro ja-sa gaa-vai
A-sa ka-hi Shree-pa-ti kan-tha la-gaa-vai
14. Sa-na-kaa-di-ka Brah-maa-di mu-nee-saa
Naa-ra-da Saa-ra-da sa-hi-ta A-hee-saa
15. Ya-ma Ku-be-ra di-ga-paa-la ja-haan-te
Ka-bi ko-bi-da ka-hi sa-ke ka-haan-te
16. Tu-ma u-pa-kaa-ra Su-gree-va-hin keen-haa
Raa-ma mi-laa-ya raa-ja pa-da deen-haa
17. Tum-ha-ro man-tra Vi-bhee-sha-na maa-naa
Lan-ke-sh-va-ra bha-ye sa-ba ja-ga jaa-naa
18. Yu-ga sa-ha-sra yo-ja-na pa-ra bhaa-nu
Leel-yo taa-hi ma-dhu-ra pha-la jaa-nu
19. Prab-hu mu-dri-kaa me-li muk-ha maa-heen
Ja-lad-hi laan-ghi ga-ye a-cha-ra-ja naa-heen
20. Dur-ga-ma kaa-ja ja-ga-ta ke je-te
Su-ga-ma a-nu-gra-ha tum-ha-re te-te
21. Raa-ma du-aa-re tu-ma rak-ha-vaa-re
Ho-ta na aa-gyaa bi-nu pai-saa-re
22. Sa-ba suk-ha la-hai tum-haa-ree sha-ra-naa
Tu-ma rak-sha-ka kaa-hu ko da-ra-naa
23. Aa-pa-na te-ja sam-haa-rau aa-pai
Tee-non lo-ka haan-ka ten kaan-pai
24. Bhoo-ta pis-haa-cha ni-ka-ta na-hin aa-vai
Ma-haa-bee-ra ja-ba naa-ma su-naa-vai
25. Naa-sai ro-ga ha-re sa-ba pee-raa
Ja-pa-ta ni-ran-ta-ra Ha-nu-mat-a bee-raa
26. San-ka-ta ten Ha-nu-maa-na chu-raa-vai
Ma-na kra-ma ba-cha-na dhyaa-na jo laa-vai
27. Sab pa-ra Raa-ma ta-pas-vee raa-jaa
Ti-na ke kaa-ja sa-ka-la tu-ma saa-jaa
28. Au-ra ma-no-ra-tha jo ko-ee laa-ve
So-ee a-mi-ta jee-va-na pha-la paa-ve
29. Chaa-ron yu-ga pa-ra-taa-pa tum-haa-raa
Hai pa-ra-sid-ha ja-ga-ta u-ji-yaa-raa
30. Saa-dhu san-ta ke tu-ma rak-ha-vaa-re
A-su-ra ni-kan-da-na Raa-ma du-laa-re
31. Ash-ta sid-hi nau nid-hi ke daa-taa
As-a ba-ra dee-na Jaa-na-kee Maa-taa
32. Raa-ma ra-saa-ya-na toom-ha-re paa-saa
Sa-daa ra-ho Ra-ghu-pa-ti ke daa-saa
33. Tum-ha-re bha-ja-na Raa-ma ko paa-vai
Ja-na-ma ja-na-ma ke duk-ha bi-sa-ra-vai
34. An-ta kaa-la Rag-hu-ba-ra pu-ra jaa-ee
Ja-haan jan-ma Ha-ri bhak-ta ka-haa-ee
35. Au-ra de-va-taa chi-ta na dha-ra-ee
Ha-nu-ma-ta se-ee sar-va suk-ha ka-ra-ee
36. San-ka-ta ka-tai mi-te sa-ba pee-raa
Jo su-mi-re Ha-nu-ma-ta ba-la bee-raa
37. Jai Jai Jai Ha-nu-maa-na Go-saa-ee
Kri-paa ka-ra-hu gu-ru-de-va kee naa-ee
38. Jo sa-ta baa-ra paa-ta ka-ra ko-ee
Choo ta-hi ban-di ma-haa suk-ha ho-ee
39. Jo ya-ha pa-rai Ha-nu-maa-na chaa-lee-saa
Ho ya sid-hi saa-khee Gau-ree-saa
40. Tu-la-see-daa-sa sa-daa Ha-ri che-raa
Kee je naa -ta hri-da-ya ma-han de-raa

Pa-va-na ta-na-ya san-ka-ta ha-ra-na
Man-ga-la moo-ra-ti roo-pa
Raa-ma Lak-kha-na See-taa sa-hi-ta
Hri-da-ya ba-sa-hu su-ra bhoo-pa
Si-yaa va-ra Raa-ma-chan-dra pa-da jai sha-ra-nam

ravinder said...

SRI RAMACHANDRA CHALISA Ganapati charan saroj gahi, Charanodak dhari bhal,
Likhau vimal Ramavali, sumiri Anjanilal.

I gracefully clasp and wash the feet of Shri Ganesh Ji and pay reverence to him by annointing my forehead and now commence writing praises of Shri Ramchandra Ji whilst meditating on Anjani's son, Shri Hanuman Ji.

Ram charit varnan Karaun, Ramahin hridai manai,
Madan kadan ral rakhishir, man kahan tap mitai

I praise the deeds of Shri Ramchandra Ji after invoking him into my heart and bowing at the feet of Shri Shiva Ji, who destroyed Kamdeo (Cupid), so that the impurities and errors of my heart be destroyed.

Ram Ramapati Raghupati jai jai,
Maha-Lokpati Jagpati jai jai.
Rajit Janak dulari jai jai,
Mahinandan Prabhu-pyari jai jai.

Praise and glory to You, Shri Ramchandra Ji. You are Lord of Lakshmi and of the house of the Raghus. Glory, all glory to you Lord of Maha Lakshmi and of all the spheres and of the world. Praise and glory be to King Janaka's daughter, Sita Ji who is the delight and daughter of Mother Earth and Your beloved consort.

Ratihun divas Ram dhun jahi
Magan rahat man, tan dukh nahin.
Ram saneh jasu ur hoi
Maha bhagyashali nar soi.

Wherever You are praised there shall be no bodily suffering or pain. Those who develop love for You in their hearts, are very fortunate.

Rakshas dal sanhari jai jai
Maha patit tanu tari jai jai.
Ram nam jo nishdin gavat
Man vachhit phal nishchai pavat.

Hey! Shri Ramchandra Ji, destroyer of demons and their armies ... including Ravana, Tadaka, Maricha, Subahu, Viradha and a host of others ... all glory to Thee. You are the most merciful deliverer of the lowest of the low ... as Sabari (member of the Sabaris tribe), Guha (a Nisada ... low born tribe in early India) and others. Thus, those who daily chant, recite or sing the Your praise, hey Shri Ramchandra Ji, You grant them their heart's desire.

Ramayudhsar jehin kar sajat
Man manoj lakhi kotihun lajat.
Rakhahu laj hamari jai jai
Mahima agam tumhari jai jai.

I behold Shri Ramchandra Ji, armed with his bow and arrow appears so splendid and charming that He surpasses the charm of myriads of Cupids, and I pray: "Hey! Shri Ramchandra Ji do keep my honour. Glory be Yours. Glory be Yours, whose majesty is incomparable. Glory be Yours."

Rajiv nayan munin man mohin
Mukut manohar shir par sohai.
Rajit mridal gat shuchi anan
Makarakrit kundal duhun kanan.

Hey Shri Ramchandra Ji, Your lotus-eyes fascinate even the Munis and Rishis; Your head adorned with a lustrous crown and the brilliance of Your face and tender body. I behold too, hey! Shri Ramchandra Ji Your no less brilliant, crocodile shaped pendants, on Your ears.

Ramchandra sarvottam jai jai
Maryada Purshottum jai jai
Ram nam gun agam ananta
Manan karat sharad shruti santa.

Hey Bhagwan, Shri Ramchandra Ji! You are the greatest of those who have taken form on earth, glory be to Thee. Thy name, Hey, Shri Ramchandra Ji! has boundless and immeasurable virtues and is contemplated upon by all including the Vedas, Munis, Rishis and Sarswati.

Rati divas dhyavahu man Rama
Man ranjan bhanjan bhav dama.
Raj bhavan, sang men nahin jaihain
Man ke hi man men rahi jaihain

My own mind that rambles ... wander from thought to thought ... all the time, must be brought under control to meditate, night and day, on the Your changeless form, so that my earthly desires that burn ceaseless within me could be subdued, since the kingly palace of which I dream will not accompany me in the end, but remain as an unfullfilled desire.

Ramhi nam ant sukh daihain
Man gadhant gap kam na aihain.
Ram kahani Ramahin sunihain
Mahima Ram tabai man gunhain.

Hey Shri Ramchandra Ji! Your name, RAMA, brings peace and love and comfort on the ultimate journey; when earthly pleasures pursued and dreamt about will not be of any avail or use ... for these are but a mirage, but deeds performed will be heard by Shri Ramchandra Ji and the righteousness of those deeds will be counted.

Ramhi mahan jo nit chit rakhihain
Madhukar saris madhur ras chakhihain.
Rag rang kahun kirtan thanihain
Mamta tyagi ek ras janihain.

Those who uphold and meditate on Shri Ramchandra Ji's glorious deeds in their hearts at all times are the ones who will get the honeyed taste of Rama as bees do from the pollen of flowers. Then the glorification of Shri Ramchandra Ji's name, Rama would be realised and the process of detachment from earthly attachments commence.

Ram kripa tinhin par hvai hain
Man vanchhit phal abhimal paihain.
Rakshas daman kiyo jo chhan men
Maha banhu bani vicharyo vana men.

On those who adopt such a path, Shri Ramchandra Ji, the compassionate and merciful, would shower his blessings and fulfill their desires. Recall that Shri Ramchandra Ji defeated the demons in a blink, just as massive trees are reduced to ashes in a forest wildfire.

Ravanadi hati gati, dai dinhyo
Mahi Ravanahin Siya vadh kinhyo.
Ram ban sut sursari dhara
Maha patkihun gati dai dara.

Shri Ramchandra Ji killed Ravana and his host and yet sent them to His celestial abode. He also killed Mahiravana of the lower regions. Rama's arrows are like the waters of the Ganges, it purifies and redeems the vilest of sinners.

Ram ramit jag amit ananta
Mahima kahi na sakahin shruti santa.
Ram nam joi det bhulai.
Maha nisa soi leta bulai

Omnipresent Shri Ramchandra Ji permeates the infinite and endless world ... He is within and without the Universe ... and this state of Shri Ramchandra Ji's seemingly phenomenon continues to elude description by the scriptures or even the saint and sages. Those who forget the name of the omnipresent, Shri Ramchandra Ji summon utter ignorance of His virtues that illuminate the path of life's journey.

Ram bina ur hota andhera
man sohi dukh sahat ghanera.
Ramahi adi anadi kahavat
Mahavrti Shankar-gun gavat.

Without Shri Ramchandra Ji's presence in our hearts, all seems dark and the mind suffers untold frustration ... in troubled times one feels so helpless, hopeless and very much alone, this is moreso where hearts filled with earthly desires left no room for the Supreme Atma to peek even a single ray of light, within. One need to understand that it is Shri Ramchandra Ji who is the beginning and beginningless at the same time and it is His praise Shri Shiva Ji and the Devas sing.

Ram nam lahi Brahma apara
Mahikar bhar shesh shir dhara.
Rakhi Ramhiya Shambhu sujana
Maha ghor vish kinhyo pana.

Brahma, the creative aspect of the Supreme Being has become fathomless with the chanting of the name of Shri Ramchandra Ji. Sesa narg ... the serpent king ... too, was able to uphold the earth's burden on its head. Sambhu ... Shri Shiva Ji ... with Rama's form embedded in his heart, gulped down the jar of poison that emerged during the churning of the sea by the joint effort of the assuras and devas.

Ramahi mahi-lakhi lekh Maheshu
Maha pujya kari diyo Ganeshu.
Ram ramit ras gatit bhakti ghat
Man ke bhajatahin khulat prem pat.

... Having observed the name of Rama scribbled on the earth, the great Lord Shiva made Ganesh highly venerable (so much so that all ceremonies begin with worship his worship). The bliss filling the heart with devotion to Rama is all pervaded by Him. Chanted with profound interest it opens up the gates of devotional love.

Rajit Ram jinahin ur antar
Mahavir sam bhakta nirantar.
Ramahi linha ek sahara
Maha sindhu Kapi kinha para.

When Shri Ramchandra Ji reigns in the heart of anyone, that person becomes devoted to Rama as Mahavira (Hanuman). Those who seek refuge in Shri Ramchandra Ji, crosses the oceans of trials and tribulations as did Mahavira ... Hanuman with Rama in his heart crossed the ocean on his way to Sri Lanka in search of Sita Mataa ... and thus escapes the cycle of birth and death.

Ram nam rasna ras shobha
Mardan kam krodh mad lobha.
Ram charit bhaji bhayo sugyata
Mahadeva mukti ke data.

Chanting Your name, Rama sweetens the tongues taste and eradicates the four deadly sins ... lust, anger, arrogance and greed ... that leads to moral downfall. By chanting Rama's deeds, Mahadeva (Siva) became a saviour and liberator, to bestow moksh .. salvation.

Ramahi japat mitat bhav shula
Ram mantra yah mangal mula.
Ram nam japi jo na sudhara
Man pishach so nipat ganvara.

Chanting of Shri Ramchandra Ji's praise destroys all wordly distress. The source of all happiness and well-being is His mantra, Om Shri Ramchandra Ji aaya namaa. Those who do not seek refuge in Him, even by chanting his name, Rama, has develish ways and is utterly ignorant.

Ram ki mahima kahan lag gaun
mati malin man par na paun.
Ramavali as likhi chalisa
Mati anusar dhyan Gaurisa.

To what extent shall I sing praises of Shri Ramchandra Ji's deeds? I am so dull-witted and surely cannot fathom the immeasurable depth of His deeds, yet I have tried to recite His deeds in this Chalisa with my mind centered on Shri Shiva Ji, the beloved consort of Gauri.

Ramahi sundar rachi ras paga
Math Durvasa nikat Prayaga.
Ram bhakt yahin jo nit dhyavahin
Man vanchhit phal nischai pavahin.

In Durvasa hermit, near Prayag in Allahabad, I Sundardasa composed this Chalisa, knowing that those who recite this Chalisa with devotion everyday, shall be rewarded with what they desire most.

Ram nam nit bhajahu man, ratihun din chitlai.
Mamta matsar malinata, manastap miti jai.

I pray that my mind with unwavering devotion meditate on Shri Ramchandra Ji's name so that I may detach myself from jealousy, dullness and sufferings.

Ram ka tithi budh Rohini, Ramavali kiyabhas.
Man sahastra bhuj drug samat, magsar Sundardas.

Sundardasa Ji
completed this Chalisa

ravinder said...

Krishna Chalisa

ll Doha ll
Banshi Shobhit Kar Madhur,Neel Jalad Tanu Shyam l
Arun Adhar Janu Bimba Phal,Nayan Kamal Abhiraam ll
Puran Indu Arvind Mukha, Pitaambar Shubha Saaj l
Jai Manmohan Madan Chhavi,Krishnachandra Maharaj ll

ll Chaupai ll
Jai Yadunandan Jai Jagvandan, Jai Vasudev Devki Nandan
Jai Yashoda Sut Nanda Dulaare,Jai Prabhu Bhaktan Ke Rakhavaare

Jai Natanaagar Naag Nathaiyaa, Krishna Kanhaiya Dhenu Charaiya
Puni Nakh Par Prabhu Girivar Dhaaro,Aao Deenan Kasht Nivaaro

Bansi Madhur Adhar Dhari Teri, Hove Puran Manorath Meri
Aao Hari Puni Maakhan Chaakho, Aaj Laaj Bhaktan Ki Raakho

Gol Kapol Chibuk Arunaare,Mridul Muskaan Mohini Daare
Ranjit Raajiv Nayan Vishaalaa, Mor Mukut Vaijayanti Maalaa

Kundal Shravan Peetpat Aache, Kati Kinkini Kaachhan Kaachhe
Neel Jalaj Sundar Tanu Sohe,Chhavi Lakhi Sur Nar Muni Mana Mohe

Mastak Tilak Alak Ghunghraale, Aao Shyaam Bansuri Vaale
Kari Pai Paan, Putanaahin Taaryo, Akaa Bakaa Kaaga Sur Maaryo

Madhuvan Jalat Agni Jab Jvaala, Bhaye Sheetal ,Lakhitahin Nandalala
Surpati Jab Brij Chadhyo Risaai, Musar Dhaar Baari Barsaai

Lagat-Lagat Brij Chahan Bahaayo, Govardhan Nakhdhari Bachaayo.
Lakhi Yashodaa Man Bhram Adhikaai,Mukh Mahan Chaudah Bhuvan Dikhaai

Dusht Kansa Ati Udham Machaayo, Koti Kamal Kahan Phul Mangaayo.
Naathi Kaaliyahin Tab Tum Linhen, Charanchinh Dai Nirbhay Kinhe

Kari Gopin Sang Raas Vilaasa, Sab Ki Puran Kari Abhilashaa
Ketik Mahaa Asur Sanhaaryo, Kansahi Kesh Pakadi Dai Maaryo

Maatu Pitaa Ki Bandi Chhudaayi, Ugrasen Kahan Raaj Dilaayi
Mahi Se Mritak Chhaho Sut Laayo, Matu Devaki Shok Mitaayo

Bhomaasur Mura Daitya Sanhaari, Laaye Shatdash Sahas Kumaari
Dai Bhinhin Trincheer Sanhaara, Jaraasindhu Raakshas Kahan Maara

Asur Vrikaasur Aadik Maaryo, Bhaktan Ke Tab Kasht Nivaariyo
Deen Sudaamaa Ke Dukh Taaryo, Tandul Teen Muthi Mukh Daaryo

Prem Ke Saag Vidura Ghar Maange, Duryodhan Ke Mevaa Tyaage
Laakhi Premki Mahimaa Bhaari, Naumi Shyam Deenan Hitkaari

Maarath Ke Paarath Rath Haanke, Liye Chakra Kar Nahin Bal Thaake
Nij Gitaa Ke Gyaan Sunaaye, Bhaktan Hriday Sudhaa Barsaaye

Meera Thi Aisi Matvaali, Vish Pee Gayi Bajaakar Taali
Raanaa Bhejaa Saamp Pitaari, Shaaligraam Bane Banvaari

Nij Maayaa Tum Vidhihin Dikhaayo, Urate Sanshay Sakal Mitaayo
Tav Shat Nindaa Kari Tatkaalaa, Jivan Mukt Bhayo Shishupaalaa

Jabahin Draupadi Ter Lagaai, Deenanaath Laaj Ab Jaai
Asa Anaatha Ke Naath Kanhaiyaa, Dubat Bhanvar Bachaavat Naiyaa

Sundardaas Aas Ura Dhaari, Dayadrishti Keeje Banwaari
Naath Sakal Mam Kumati Nivaaro, Chhamobegi Apraadh Hamaaro

Kholo Pat Ab Darshan Deeje, Bolo Krishna Kanhaiya Ki Jai

ll Doha ll
Yah Chalisa Krishna Ka, Path Kare Ur Dhaari l l
Asht Siddhi Nav Niddhi Phal, Lahe Padaarath Chaari

Moolam Raja Alankaram 23 February 2025